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How the Brain is Affected by Stroke

Elderly man sitting indoors, looking out the window with a thoughtful expression, symbolizing concern or reflection.


How the Brain is Affected by Stroke

During a stroke, disruption of the blood flow to the brain causes cell damage and death where the stroke occurred. to the brain causes cell damage and death where the stroke occurred. Neurological pathways between the brain and the body can become disconnected. This causes an interruption of the brain signal that controls certain areas of the body, mind, and emotions.

Older woman in a wheelchair smiling with a younger woman standing behind her, both appearing happy, representing support and recovery.

How recovery happens

Your brain controls your bodyโ€™s nervous system. It is capable of reorganizing how it processes information after a stroke through neuroplasticity. This means parts of the brain that werenโ€™t damaged during your stroke can make new pathways to improve your brainโ€™s function over time.

Practice is the most important element when training a new part of the brain. New pathways are created over time with hundreds of repetitions. For example, if you want to open a water bottle, you may need to practice gripping small objects over and over, training your brain to do the components of the activity and then work on putting it all together.

Recovery times

Some research shows the brain has the best chance of rebuilding within the first three months after a stroke. Many survivors see the most progress when they start therapy early in the days and weeks following a stroke.

What recovery looks like

Recovery looks different for each person. Some stroke survivors may recover more quickly.

While some survivors may rebuild many of the abilities from before their stroke, other survivors will need to learn new strategies to accomplish certain tasks.

Kandu Health offers remote clinical support through our app, stroke survivor community and team of Kandu Navigators. We provide information, resources, and guidance for stroke survivors and their care partners.

Interested in the Kandu stroke recovery program? Click below to learn more.

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Three Things You Can Do to Support Your Stroke Recovery

Women in activewear jogging along a waterfront, symbolizing staying active as a part of stroke recovery.


Three Things You Can Do to Support Your Stroke Recovery


Set Up Your Support System

An important part of stroke recovery is connecting with people who can support you during this process. This may include friends, family, neighbors, and other stroke survivors. Many people do not anticipate being in a position where they need to ask for help and may not be prepared for these situations. You might struggle with knowing where to start when asking someone for help. Recognizing your needs and asking for support is a sign of awareness and strength. Leaning on your community and support system allows you to focus on your recovery. Your support system can help you with everyday activities, such as transportation to appointments, picking up groceries, arranging for meal delivery services, and running other errands.

Illustration of a survivor around her are: extended family and friends, care partner, primary physician, support groups, physical therapist, Kandu navigators, and specialty physicians


Set Up Your Home for Safety

Depending on your needs, you may need to make some adjustments to your home after your stroke. Small changes can prevent a potentially larger problem, such as a fall or the inability to access certain areas of your home. Consider asking a friend or relative to help you with making certain modifications to your home. Many falls happen in the bathroom. You may want to talk with your physical or occupational therapist about strategies to safely use your shower, toilet, and sink. Your Kandu Navigator can also conduct a virtual home safety assessment to identify helpful changes for your living spaces.

To Increase Access and Avoid Falls in Your Home:

  • Remove or secure any loose rugs
  • Put away any objects on the floor
  • Add night lights or lamps to dark areas, so you can see better at night
  • Rearrange your furniture, so it is easier to get from one room to another
  • Keep your frequently used items in the bathroom, kitchen, or within easy reach
  • Install grab bars to use for support when you are sitting down or standing up
  • Install a ramp if you are using a walker or wheelchair, and
  • Remove doors from their hinges to create a wider pathway


Start Rehabilitation

Research has found the brain has the best chance of recovery in the first three months after a stroke. Many stroke survivors report seeing the most progress when starting therapy as soon as possible after their stroke. This is because of neuroplasticity, or the brainโ€™s ability to rewire itself.

Recovery looks different for each stroke survivor. Some people recover more quickly, while others need intensive therapies or more time to rest. While some survivors may rebuild many of the abilities from before their stroke, other survivors will need to learn new strategies to accomplish certain tasks.

Maintain an ongoing conversation with your rehabilitation therapy team about your goals and what you want to focus on during therapy. As you take charge of your recovery, you are more likely to improve your skills and abilities.

Close-up of a stroke survivor using a resistance band for arm rehabilitation, supported by a therapist.

Kandu Health offers remote clinical support through our app, stroke survivor community and team of Kandu Navigators. We provide information, resources, and guidance for stroke survivors and their care partners.

Interested in the Kandu stroke recovery program? Click below to learn more.

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