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Joint Notice of Privacy Practices


Kandu Health and its affiliated professional corporations Kandu Medical Services West and Kandu Medical Services East (collectively referred to as โ€œKanduโ€) want you to know that we are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your protected health information.

Kanduโ€™s Duties

We are required by law to maintain the privacy of your protected health information and to provide you with this notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to the use and disclosure of your protected health information.

We are required to abide by the terms of the notice currently in effect and to advise you that we reserve the right to change the terms of its notice and to make the new notice provisions effective for all protected health information that we maintain. If we publish a revised notice, we will make sure you receive an electronic copy. You have a right to request a paper copy of the notice now or at any time in the future.

Uses and Disclosures Without Your Written Authorization

Kandu is permitted by law to use and disclose your protected health information without the need for your written authorization for the following purposes:

  1. Treatment generally means the provision, coordination, or management of health care and related services among health care providers or by a health care provider with a third party, consultation between health care providers regarding a patient, or the referral of a patient from one health care provider to another

For example, a Kandu clinician may share an update on your current condition at the request of your primary care provider to coordinate treatment and improve your health outcomes.

  1. Payment encompasses the various activities of health care providers to obtain payment or be reimbursed for their services.

For example, If Kandu is contracted by your hospital to provide services to you for a fee, the hospital may require certain documentation, including your health information, before they can pay Kandu for those services.

  1. Health Care Operations are certain administrative, financial, legal, and quality improvement activities of a covered entity that are necessary to run its business and to support the core functions of treatment and payment.

For example, Kandu may use your health information as part of routine business management and general administrative activities, like complying with HIPAA, providing customer service, resolving internal grievances, the sale or transfer of assets, creating de-identified data or a limited data set, and fundraising for the benefit of Kandu.

Unless you object, Kandu may share your protected health information with your family or caregiver if:

  • They are involved in your health care, or they are paying for your health care
  • You have told us we can do so, or
  • If in their professional judgment, the Kandu clinician believes you do not object.

Kandu may also contact you or send push notifications via the Kandu App, to provide reminders or information about appointments, to-do items, medication, treatment, or other health-related services.

Other purposes

Kandu may also use or disclose your protected health information, without the need for your written authorization, as permitted or required by state or federal law for the following:

  • To avoid a serious threat to your health or safety or the health or safety of others.
  • As required by state or federal law such as reporting abuse or neglect.
  • For public health activities such as reporting communicable diseases, problems with products or other adverse events.
  • For certain health oversight activities such as audits, investigations, or licensure actions.
  • In response to a court, administrative order, subpoena, or other legal process.
  • When requested by law enforcement, but only as authorized by law.
  • For research purposes if certain conditions are satisfied. All research projects are subject to a special approval process that evaluates a proposed research project and its use of health information to ensure appropriate safeguards. You can notify us at any time if you do not want to participate in research efforts.

Uses and Disclosures with Your Written Authorization

Other uses and disclosures will be made only with your written authorization, and you may revoke your authorization in writing at any time.

Your Rights with Respect to Your Protected Health Information

Following is a brief description of your rights with respect to your protected health information. You can exercise any of these rights by sending your request to [email protected].

You have the right to request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures of protected health information. You can ask that your health information not be shared with certain people, groups, or companies. You can also ask Kandu not to tell your health insurance company about care you receive if you pay for the care in full and Kandu does not need to get paid by your insurance company. You can ask for other kinds of restrictions, but Kandu does not always have to agree to do what you ask, particularly if it could affect your care.

You have the right to receive confidential communications of protected health information. You can make reasonable requests to be contacted at different places other than home or in a different way.

You have the right to inspect and copy protected health information. You can ask to see or get a copy of your medical record. If you want a copy, you must put your request in writing and pay for the cost of copying and mailing. In most cases, your copies must be given to you within 30 days.

You have the right to amend protected health information. You can ask to change any wrong information in your medical record or add information that you think is missing or incomplete. If Kandu agrees with you, Kandu will make the correction. If Kandu does not agree that the information is wrong, you still have the right to have your disagreement noted in your file. In most cases, the file should be updated within 60 days.

You have the right to receive an accounting of disclosures of protected health information.

Kandu will provide an accounting of who has seen your health information (other than for treatment, payment of healthcare operations) within 60 days of receiving your written request.

You have the right to obtain a paper copy of this notice. Kandu will provide a paper copy of this notice to you upon written request.


If you think your rights are being denied or your health information is not being protected, you have the right to file a complaint.

You may complain to Kandu directly by contacting:

Ralph Oyaga, Kandu Corporate Compliance Officer:ย

You may also complain to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Civil Rights (OCR) using the OCR Complaint Portalย here.

Kandu will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint.

Revisions to this Notice

Kandu will promptly distribute any revisions to this notice whenever there is a material change to the uses or disclosures, your rights, Kandu’s legal duties, or other privacy practices stated in this notice. Except when required by law, a material change to any term of this notice may not be implemented prior to the effective date of the revised notice in which such material change is reflected.

Effective Date:

This notice is effective 1/6/2023

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